Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A couple of Gakkou coming up and delays

So.  Just an update. Hopefully a new Gakkou no Sensei chapter next week.  I would have had the TL done last night, but the computer I use when I TL won't boot now.  Pipes under my sink got broke while I was away and flooded my apartment basically.  Fun times.  I'm currently TL'ing it again on my laptop between cleaning up.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

[Real] Aiura 11

You can blame the slow releases on my FFXIV addiction.  It sucks away all my time outside of work lately.



Tuesday, September 3, 2013

[Fake] Aiura 11

Real release sometime soon.

We've decided to change how we translate some things.  The way we were translating some things weren't as true to the original as we liked.  We weren't capturing the nuance.  So, with a lot of help from taketori, we've come up with something that we think is more faithful to the original, has better flow, and gives you a chance to see the character tics better.  Enjoy.
